







What Is a Doula?

A birth doula supports women and birthing individuals physically, emotionally, and informatively during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Doulas assist in achieving the type of birth experience you personally desire. They create an environment that supports the normal physiology of birth, offer comfort measures, provide moral and emotional support, and offer valuable information. Doulas help your partner support you without requiring them to be an expert on birth. They strive to maximize your chances for a beautiful, informed, and empowering birth experience. Doulas act as a pillar of calm during birth’s intense moments and hold space for this momentous life event.


Clinical Hypnotherapist

Hypnobirthing Instructor

Childbirth Educator

Birth Doula

Postpartum Doula

Lactation Consultant

What is included?

  • 1 FREE initial meeting
  • 2 in-person visits during pregnancy
  • Continuous support throughout labor and birth
  • On-call support from 38-42 weeks gestation
  • Reliable backup doula for emergency situations
  • Support 1-2 hours immediate postpartum
  • Help with birth preferences and provider questions
  • Emotional and physical support
  • Information and referral gathering
  • 1 home postpartum visit
  • Initial basic chest/breastfeeding support


We had an exceptional experience with Ibiza in the hypnobirthing course. Her professionalism and knowledge, coupled with a warm and loving approach, gave us full confidence in being ready for the birth of our first child. We learned really valuable techniques and tips that taught us what to expect for the upcoming period, significantly improving our birthing experience and contributing to a very positive and loving outcome. We couldn't recommend enough all the support and genuine care she provided during this period.


Let me start like this, whitout Ibiza our baby wouldn’t know the joy of relaxing bath, the comfort of rocking pilates ball and most importantly, he wouldn’t know the richness of mother’s milk. As every new parent, regardless of how may books you read, baby preparation classes you attend and all the advices, we felt lost and scared. Ibiza came, and in her nurishing and loving manner gave us support that we didn’t even know we needed and was possible to get. She helped me with breastfeeding in so many ways. Helping my baby to latch properly, finding the most comfortable breastfeeding position for me, and helping to heal my cracked nipples with laser is only one part of all the things she did for us. With her help both my husband and I realized how we can be better support for each other and how we can enjoy creating our little routines with our baby and enjoy as a family. Honestly I could go on forever as there is so many things she taught us and shared with us and it still wouldn’t be enough. To try to sum it up, this much care, kindness and support as a new mom, a new family, a new baby, we couldn’t even dream to receive. To have her with us at this time was in one word, a blessing. Thank you tia Ibiza!


We have no words to thank you for everything you did for us. Really. Each visit was a master class that helped us so much to understand and learn how to deal with our baby girl that had just arrived. Thank you so much! I want to recommend you to everyone! 🤗🤗


The woman is a baby whisperer! Having her around the house assisting with the newborn care was amazing! She is welcoming and kind, suuuper generous! She brought so much for my postpartum and gave us so many tips! We felt like so much that was happening, was happening only to us. Having someone saying it was normal and reassuring me as a new mum made all the difference!


Ibiza is extremely knowledgeable. Our pre natal meetings were fundamental to understand everything that was going on inside my body and even better when she got my husband involved into all the conversations and topics I wasn’t aware of how to navigate.


When I planned my second birth I did not expect to meet someone with a heart as big as yours. Our connection was instant and you were incredible during labor, 100% available at any time I needed even 1 hour after leaving the hospital. I need to share with the world what a wonderful person and doula you are!


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